Monday, November 13, 2006


So I went shopping in Smithfield on Saturday with my sis, mom, and nephew. We had a great time at the outlets and we went to a bead shop in a flea market there too. The shop had everything you could ever want to make jewelry. The cool thing is that the man that runs the shop will show you how to do anything as long as you will buy the supplies from him. I bought a Thing-a-ma-jig that allows you to do bent wire jewelry, which I had been wondering how they did it. He showed me the basic idea and I made a clover loop, but I knew it was going to take some practice... So as soon as I got home I made this bracelet I found online. This is what came out...

It's not perfect but for the first attempt, I'd say it's pretty darn good. I'm sure there will be many more to come, because once you get the hang of a certain loop it gets easier so I suppose over time the whole technique will get alot easier.


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